Arhitektura Kultura

Razgovori o gradu – Urban Talks 1 Minimalni stan- Maksimalni standard




Božidarac Digital i BINA vas pozivaju na Urban Talk 1 Minimalni stan/Maksimalni standard – Test 2020 u petak, 15. maja, u 19.00. Zainteresovana publika može prisustvovati razgovoru putem ovog linka

Da li život u kućnom karantinu menja naš odnos prema načinu stanovanja? O ovom i sličnim pitanjima razgovaraćemo na prvom interaktivnom razgovoru Urban Talk 1 / Minimalni stan/Maksimalni standard – Test 2020. koji  će se održati u petak 15.5. sa početkom u 19.00 časova putem ZOOM aplikacije koja se nalazi na sajtu Sa učesnicima panela razgovaramo o tome kako najbolje da iskoristimo ograničene stambene prostore i kako da razvijemo svest o zajedničkom životu u okruženju gde provodimo veliki deo svog vremena, a to je stan, zgrada i susedstvo u kome živimo.

Razgovor vode arhitekte:

Danica Jovović Prodanović i Ružica Sarić, koautorke programa BINA (

Razgovaraćemo i o:

Koji su novi modeli stanovanja u gradu?

Šta nam nudi distributivna zadruga?

O konceptu minimalnog stana?

Šta podrazumeva maksimalni standard prosečnog stana?

Učesnici – arhitekti:

Nemanja Zimonjić, TEN studio za arhitekturu,

Arhitektonski studio TEN je jedan od Finalista Konkursa za Nove Ideje 2020 raspisanog od strane Evropske platforme „Budućnost arhitekture“ (Future Architecture), koju kofinansira program Kreativna Evropa (2018/2021). BINA (Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture) kao član ove platforme  organizuje program Urban Talks u periodu maj-oktobar 2020 i poziva studio TEN kao glavnog učesnika na Urban Talk 1.

Vasa Perović, Bevk Perovic arhitekti,

Anđela Karabašević, AKVS arhitektura,

Platforma „Budućnost arhitekture“

Okuplјa 26 institucija I organizacija iz 22 evropskih zemalјa, sa namerom da predstavi vizije budućnosti arhitekture iz perspektive generacije profesionalaca koji tek stupaju na scenu i koji će biti odgovorni za budućnost građene sredine u kojoj ćemo živeti. Namera platforme je da rad izabranih autora predstavi u što većem broju zemalјa i tako omogući uspostavlјanje novih kontakata i oblika saradnje sa izabranim autorima i između organizacija-članica platforme.

U okviru platforme„Budućnost arhitekture“, Izložba Energetske tačke Beograda – BINA 2016.  se bavila neuralgičnim tačkama grada Beograda, pokušavajući da mapira mesta kojima su potrebne nova energija i namena. Konferencija Predgrađa Beograda – Bina 2017.  u fokusu ima budućnost rubnih opština Beograda. BUS STOP FACELIFT – Bina 2018, idemo korak dalјe, od opšteg ka posebnom, i biramo jedno predgrađe – LEDINE i realizujemo rekonstrukciju postojećih austobuskih stajališta. Urban TalksBINA 2020 organizuje 5 nezavisnih razgovora o gradu,  u Beogradu, Novom Sadu I Nišu.


BINA & PLATFORM OF FUTURE ARCHITECTURE / Talks about the city – Urban talks / May – October 2020

Program Creative Europe 2018/2021

Urban Talk 1

The Minimal Dwelling – The Maximal wellbeing – Test 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020. at 7PM

On-line Bozidarac Digital

Duration: 110min

Language: Serbian (the recording will be subtitled in English)

Does the life in home quarantine change our attitude toward the way of living?

We are going to talk about these and similar issues at the first interactive talk within Urban Talk 1 / Minimal appartment/Maximal standard – Test 2020. We will discuss with panel participants how to use best the confined living spaces and how to develop an awareness of living together in an environment where we spend much of our time, which is the apartment, building and neighborhood we live in.

Talks are led by architects:

Danica Jovovic Prodanovic and Ruzica Saric, co-authors of the program BINA (

Talks will also include:

What are the new housing models in the city?

What does the ‘Distributed Cooperative’ offer?

About the concept of a Minimal apartment.

What does the maximal standard of the average apartment imply?

Participants – architects:

Nemanja Zimonjic, TEN architecture studio,

TEN Architecture Studio is one of the finalists of the competition for New Ideas 2020, announced by the European Future Architecture Platform, which is co-financed by the Creative Europe (2018/2021). BINA (Belgrade International Week of Architecture) as a member of the Platform, organizes the program Urban Talks during of May-October 2020 period and invites TEN Studio as a major participant in Urban Talk 1.

Vasa Perovic, Bevk Petrovic Architects,

Andjela Karabasevic, AKVS Architecture,

The Future Architecture Platform

Brings together 26 institutions and organizations from 22 European countries with the intention of presenting visions of the future architecture from the perspective of generation of professionals just entering the scene and are going to be responsible for the future of the built environment we will live in. The purpose of the platform is to present the work of selected authors in as many countries as possible, and by doing so to establish new contacts and forms of cooperation with the selected authors and between organizations, members of the platform.

Within The Future Architecture Platform,  the exhibition Energy points of Belgrade – BINA 2016. has been dealing with neuralgic points of the city of Belgrade, trying to map places that need new energy and purpose. The Belgrade Suburbs – BINA 2017 Conference focuses on the future of Belgrade rural municipalities. With BUS STOP FACELIFT – BINA 2018. We go a step further, from general to specific and we choose one suburb – LEDINE to realize the reconstruction of the existing bus stations. Urban Talks – BINA 2020 is organizing 5 independent talks about the city, in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš.

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